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  • 姓名: 商朝晖
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 010-64806238
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: zshang@bao.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号 国家天文台


  • 2018.10 – 至今研究员,国家天文台

    2009.06 2018.10客座研究员(兼),国家天文台

    2007.11 2018.10教授,天津师范大学

    2003.08 – 2007Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Wyoming, USA

    2003Ph.D. in Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, USA

    1998Master of Arts in Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, USA

    1992 – 1996:BATC访问学者,北京天文台

    1991.08 – 1996.08助理研究员,紫金山天文台

    1991理学硕士 (天体物理),南京大学

    1988理学学士 (天体物理),南京大学


  • 南极天文;类星体多波段观测研究;时域天文;天文技术与方法




  • 南极研究科学委 (SCAR) 物理学工作国家代表。




  • 1、Astronomy from Dome A in Antarctica, Shang, Z., 2020, RAA, 20, 168

    2、Night-time measurements of astronomical seeing at Dome A in Antarctica, Ma, B., Shang, Z., Hu, Y., et al.,2020, Nature, 583, 771

    3、Automation of the AST3 optical sky survey from Dome A, Antarctica, Ma, B., Hu, Y., Shang, Z., et al., 2020, MNRAS, 496, 2768

    4、Meteorological Data for the Astronomical Site at Dome A, Antarctica, Hu, Y., Shang, Z., Ashley, M. C. B., et al., 2014, PASP, 126, 868

    5、Mid-infrared Spectral Properties of Post-starburst Quasars, Wei, P., Shang, Z., Brotherton, M. S., et al., 2013, ApJ, 772, 28

    6、The Next Generation Atlas of Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions from Radio to X-Rays, Shang, Z., Brotherton, M. S., Wills, B. J., et al., 2011, ApJS, 196, 2

    7、Spectral Properties from Lyα to Hα for an Essentially Complete Sample of Quasars. I. Data, Shang, Z., Wills, B. J., Wills, D., & Brotherton, M. S., 2007, AJ, 134, 294

    8、Quasars and the Big Blue Bump, Shang, Z., Brotherton, M. S., Green, R. F., et al., 2005, ApJ, 619, 41

    9、The Baldwin Effect and Black Hole Accretion: A Spectral Principal Component Analysis of a Complete Quasar Sample, Shang, Z., Wills, B. J., Robinson, E. L., et al., 2003, ApJ, 586, 52

    10、Ring Structure and Warp of NGC 5907: Interaction with Dwarf Galaxies, Shang, Z., Zheng, Z., Brinks, E., et al., 1998, ApJL, 504, L23